Every month we explore and challenge strategies, news and topics on
building better workplaces.
Fréttir & Úrræði
Komandi Fljótlega
Komandi Fljótlega
„Í orði kveðið erum við öll jafnrétthá fyrir lögum. Í raunveruleikanum eru ótrúleg forréttindi sem fylgja því að vinna fæðingarlottóið.“ - Arianna Huffington.
Lestu meira
Lestu meira
Kraftur viðkvæmni gegnum nafnleynd
Það er hræðilegt að vera viðkvæmt. En án þess getur verið erfitt að nálgast traust og merkingarbær tengsl.
Koma fljótlega
Koma fljótlega
Verndun sem menning
Við krefjumst hefðbundinnar verndar, hvers vegna hún hefur aldrei verið áhrifarík og hvernig væntingar starfsmanna í dag hafa gert stöðuna óhjákvæmilega.
Koma fljótlega
Koma fljótlega
We solved the industry's biggest problem:
Early Issue Detection
More than 60% of Misconduct is never reported.
In every company there is a huge amount of risk and liability unmanaged; people are suffering in silence. Radically reduce workplace liability and protect your people with
Safe Workplace.
How does under-reporting
impact you?
Fólk og menning
Samræmi & Risk Management
forstjóri & fjármálaráðgjafi
Nám og þróun
Stjórnvald & Félagslegt
CEO & Brand
Compliance & Ethics
Corporate Training
Finally, Effective Training
Training should mitigate liability. Yours likely doesn't. Ours does.
Read more
Employee Relations
See how we can change the
game for you:
Grab a free 30-min
tailored product walk through and consultation .
Webinars Coming Soon
Weekly webinars on risk, culture, compliance and inclusion. Join the conversation soon.
Book a Personalised Demo
Check out Safe Workplace. We'll highlight
what's relevant to your role and organisation.
HR Case Management
Less work. More accomplished. Better culture.
Learn about concerns earlier
Reduce casework time by months
Actionable B.I and Analytics
Better process, follow up and aftercare
Læra meira
Læra meira
Proactive. Better governance. Reduce Liability.
Industry-leading investigation management
3x early Intel
AI-driven liability risk mitigation
Customised triage and investigation processes and enforced governance
Læra meira
Læra meira
Employee Support & Reporting More early stage concerns. Less work, liability and stress.
Early reporting reduces effort, risk and liability.
3x increase in early report intel
90% trust Safe Workplace to protect their anonymity
Trust in anonymous reporting increases over 3.5X
Læra meira
Læra meira
Training (that works):
Training that truly
mitigates risk.
Annual training that is effective risk mitigation.
Training that improves early-stage reporting rates.
Training that builds employee accountability.
Training that increases confidence in reporting & governance.
Litigation ready
Læra meira
Læra meira
Spot Risks and Concerns 3x Sooner and Solve Them 2x Faster
with Intelligent Compliance and Employee Relations Tools.
Start Now.
Launch in under 8 Weeks.
Get in touch with us for more information or to
book a demo with our product team
Taktu þátt með okkur
Predict. Solve.
"This is the most intelligent way to mitigate liability and risk that I've seen."
- Partner, White & Case
The Safe Workplace suite of case management, reporting,
culture and GRC tools enables you to effortlessly take a proactive stance on ethics and governance.
Loftþéttur öryggis
Security Guaranteed
Við fylgjum öllum lögum og reglugerðum um gögn og friðhelgi og framkvæmum aðeins öryggisstaðla sem eru í samræmi við iðnaðartækni.
ISO vottað
ISO 27001 & 9001.
Data Encryption
Vandað dulkóðun meðan á flutningi og hvíld stendur.
Global Servers
Choose your data storage location.
Play it, Safe.
Play it, Safe.
Play it, Safe.
Play it, Safe.
ISO vottað
ISO 27001 & 9001.
Gögn dulkóðun
Virk færsla dulkóðunar í flutningi og hvíld.
Veldu geymslustað fyrir gögnin þín.
We solved the industry's
biggest problem: early issue detection.
More than 60% of Misconduct is never reported.
In every company there is a huge amount of risk and liability unmanaged; people are suffering in silence. Radically reduce workplace liability and protect your people with Safe Workplace.
How does under-reporting
impact you?
Fólk og menning
Samræmi & Risk Management
forstjóri & fjármálaráðgjafi
Nám og þróun
Stjórnvald & Félagslegt
HR Case Management:
Less work. More accomplished. Better culture.
Learn about concerns earlier
Reduce casework time by months
Actionable B.I and Analytics
Better process, follow up and aftercare
Læra meira
Læra meira
Proactive. Better
governance. Reduce Liability.
Industry-leading investigation management
3x early Intel
AI-driven liability risk mitigation
Customised triage and investigation processes and enforced governance
Læra meira
Læra meira
Employee Support & Reporting
More early stage concerns. Less work, liability and stress.
Early reporting reduces effort, risk and liability.
3x increase in early report intel
90% trust Safe Workplace to protect their anonymity
Trust in anonymous reporting increases over 3.5X
Læra meira
Læra meira
Training (that works):
Training that truly
mitigates risk.
Training that improves early-stage reporting rates.
Training that builds employee accountability.
Training that increases confidence in reporting & governance.
Læra meira
Læra meira
Finndu áhættur og áhyggjur 3x fyrr og leystu þær 2x hraðar með því að nota greind tæki fyrir samræmi og starfsmannatengsl.
See how we can change the
game for you
Get a Personalised Consultation
Check out Safe Workplace. We'll highlight what's relevant to your role and organisation.
Webinars Coming Soon
We run weekly webinars on risk, culture, compliance and inclusion. Join the conversation.
Do More Than Manage: Plan Ahead, Predict, Solve.
The Safe Workplace suite of case management, reporting,
culture and GRC tools enables you to effortlessly take a proactive stance on ethics and governance.
"This is the most intelligent way to mitigate liability and risk that I've seen."
- Partner, White & Case
CEO & Brand
Compliance & Ethics
Corporate Training
Finally, Effective Training
Training should mitigate liability. Yours likely doesn't. Ours does.
Read more
Employee Relations
Corporate Security
Start Now. Launch in under 8 Weeks.
Get in touch with us for more information or
to book a demo with our product team
Taktu þátt með okkur
Fréttir & Úrræði
Koma fljótlega
Koma fljótlega
„Í orði kveðið erum við öll jafnrétthá fyrir lögum. Í raunveruleikanum eru ótrúleg forréttindi sem fylgja því að vinna fæðingarlottóið.“ - Arianna Huffington.
Lestu meira
Lestu meira
Kraftur viðkvæmni gegnum nafnleynd
Það er hræðilegt að vera viðkvæmt. En án þess getur verið erfitt að nálgast traust og merkingarbær tengsl.
Koma fljótlega
Koma fljótlega
Verndun sem menning
Við krefjumst hefðbundinnar verndar, hvers vegna hún hefur aldrei verið áhrifarík og hvernig væntingar starfsmanna í dag hafa gert stöðuna óhjákvæmilega.
Koma fljótlega
Koma fljótlega
Loftþéttur öryggis
Security Guaranteed
Við fylgjum öllum lögum og reglugerðum um gögn og friðhelgi og framkvæmum aðeins öryggisstaðla sem eru í samræmi við iðnaðartækni.
Every month we explore and challenge strategies, news and topics on
building better workplaces.
Loftþéttur öryggis
Við fylgjum öllum lögum og reglugerðum um gögn og friðhelgi og framkvæmum aðeins öryggisstaðla sem eru í samræmi við iðnaðartækni.
We solved the industry's biggest problem:
Early Issue Detection
More than 60% of Misconduct is never reported.
In every company there is a huge amount of risk and liability unmanaged; people are suffering in silence. Radically reduce workplace liability and protect your people with Safe Workplace.
How does under-reporting
impact you?
Fólk og menning
Samræmi & Risk Management
forstjóri & fjármálaráðgjafi
Nám og þróun
Stjórnvald & Félagslegt
CEO & Brand
Compliance & Ethics
Corporate Training
Finally, Effective Training
Training should mitigate liability. Yours likely doesn't. Ours does.
Read more
Employee Relations
Corporate Security
See how we can change the
game for you:
Grab a free 30-min tailored product
walk through and consultation with our team
Compliance &
Employee Relations
See More. Act Faster. Protect Better
Risk and Compliance
Better Governance.
Reduce Liability.
Industry-leading investigation management
3x early Intel
Best in Class Compliance Monitoring Suite
Customised Processes and Workflows
Læra meira
Employee Relations
Less work.
More accomplished.
Better culture.
Learn about concerns earlier
Reduce casework time by months
Actionable B.I and Analytics
Better process, follow up and aftercare
Get a Personalised Consultation
Check out Safe Workplace. We'll highlight what's relevant to your role and organisation.
Webinars Coming Soon
Weekly webinars on risk, culture, compliance and inclusion. Join the conversation soon.
Byrjaðu núna. Lokaðu á innan við 8 vikum.
Get in touch with us for more information or to book a
demo with our product team.
Taktu þátt með okkur
"This is the most intelligent way to mitigate liability and risk that I've seen."
- Partner, White & Case
Do More Than Manage:
Plan Ahead, Predict, Solve.
The Safe Workplace suite of case management, reporting, culture and GRC tools
enables you to effortlessly take a proactive stance on ethics and governance.
Algengar spurningar
How easy is it to implement Safe Workplace?
Can Safe Workplace integrate with our existing HR platforms and other systems?
In how many languages is the Safe Workplace platform available?
How does Safe Workplace ensure data protection and comply with regulations like GDPR?
Can Safe Workplace be customised to fit our specific organisational needs?
How does Safe Workplace handle anonymous reporting?
What kind of analytics and insights does Safe Workplace provide?
Can Safe Workplace handle our compliance training needs?
How user-friendly is the Safe Workplace interface?
What is the pricing model for Safe Workplace?
How does Safe Workplace ensure compliance with local and international regulations?
Can Safe Workplace help manage operations with different regional requirements?
Fréttir & Úrræði
Every month we explore and challenge strategies, news and topics on
building better workplaces.
ISO vottað
ISO 27001 & 9001.
Data Encryption
Vandað dulkóðun í flutningi og hvíld.
Alþjóðlegir þjónustuver
Veldu geymslustað fyrir gögnin þín.
Koma fljótlega
Lestu meira
Koma fljótlega
Kraftur viðkvæmni gegnum nafnleynd
Það er hræðilegt að vera viðkvæmt. En án þess getur verið erfitt að nálgast traust og merkingarbær tengsl.
„Í orði kveðið erum við öll jafnrétthá fyrir lögum. Í raunveruleikanum eru ótrúleg forréttindi sem fylgja því að vinna fæðingarlottóið.“ - Arianna Huffington.
Verndun sem menning
Við krefjumst hefðbundinnar verndar, hvers vegna hún hefur aldrei verið áhrifarík og hvernig væntingar starfsmanna í dag hafa gert stöðuna óhjákvæmilega.
Play it, Safe.