Play it, Safe.

London | Cape Town

UK: +44 20 8629 1661
USA: +1 (415) 980 4718

Why Free, How Free?

EAP usage globally is only 6%. Most business find the value of your EAP tough to measure.

A significant number of our clients upgrade to our full Governance, Risk and Compliance Suite as well as use our EAP service. And, our EAP customers often want to support their employees in need with counselling or training.

We fervently believe:

  1. Every worker deserves a support outlet; we help some of the biggest companies in the world, as well as startups.

  2. EAP shouldn't be a black hole. We sell value, and only value resources, assessments, wellbeing tips at your fingertips

Game-changing EAP.

Award winning.Trusted. Always-on.

1 in 3

Telja að stuðningur við andlega heilsu þeirra á vinnustaðnum sé ófullnægjandi.

Finnst þægilegt að ræða andlega heilsu sína á vinnustað.

1 in 10

12 milljarðar

Vinnudagar eru tapaðir vegna geðheilsubrettna, þunglyndis og kvíða.







1 in 3 businesses do not know the value of their EAP or how to measure it.

With Safe Workplace, you get free, comprehensive employee assistance and culture suite. Only pay for counsellors hours and bolt ons you choose.

Finally, fair EAP, not a budget black hole.

If you just need to talk, or are concerned for someone we're here to help.

What would you like to talk about?


HR stefnur


If you just need to talk, or are concerned for someone we're here to help.

What would you like to talk about?


HR stefnur


1 af 3

Telja að stuðningur við andlega heilsu þeirra á vinnustaðnum sé ófullnægjandi.

Fíla að ræða heilsu sína í vinnunni.

1 in 10


Vinnutímar tapast vegna geðheilbrigðisvandamála, þunglyndis og kvíða.

Choose your extra's. Only pay for what you need.




Risk Assessments

Our triage team will send through risk assessments with recommendations after every interaction. We may recommend:


You can purchase a small block of hours with trained professionals which will then be offered to your employee


For conduct-related issues, we can provide targeted or company-wide training to supplement your existing programs.


Anonymous employees, allowing you to gather more information while preserving employee confidentiality


You can purchase a small block of hours with trained professionals which will then be offered to your employee


For conduct-related issues, we can provide targeted or company-wide training to supplement your existing programs.


Anonymous employees, allowing you to gather more information while preserving employee confidentiality

Pay-As-You-Go Support

Select how many annual hours of support to provide your team. Only pay for what they use. Get notified on any extra's.

Pulse Surveys

Scheduled and easy staff check-ins to accurately gauge wellbeing consensus with recommendations.

Training and Campaigns

Choose from a range of Safe Workplace built wellbeing trainings and campaigns on resilience, talking to your line manager, self-care and more.

Management Team Consulting

68% of by managers use EAPS to find support on how to manage workplace issues. Our management focus groups will help you stay on the front foot.

Meeting Requests

Your people can request meetings with your HR team directly from the app. Manage requests, chat directly with staff, all in once place.

Wellbeing Case Management

The world's first mental health and well-being case management platform with built-in automated risk assessments and recommendations

For Free You Get

Safe Workplace will provide every employee a login to a branded Safe Workplace portal and mobile application.

They'll have access to:

  • 24/7 Anonymous Support Chat
    Live, realtime chat with our specialist triage team, who will triage concerns, signpost employees at resources and perform a risk assessment (employee wellbeing and corporate liability) on the case.

  • 24/7 Concern reporting
    Any wellbeing concern or misconduct concern can be reported in the application, either anonymously or identifiably

  • Branded wellbeing content

    Content released twice per month on wellbeing, inclusion, diversity, confidence, responsibility and culture

  • Multi-lingual, global, we are where you are

    We'll take care of your team, wherever you are, whoever they are.

10 WFH Tips to Help Focus and Well-Being.

Lestu meira

10 WFH Tips to Help Focus and Well-Being.

Lestu meira

For Free You Get

Safe Workplace will provide every employee a login to a branded Safe Workplace portal and mobile application.

They'll have access to:

  • 24/7 Anonymous Support Chat
    Live, realtime chat with our specialist triage team, who will triage concerns, signpost employees at resources and perform a risk assessment (employee wellbeing and corporate liability) on the case.

  • 24/7 Concern reporting
    Any wellbeing concern or misconduct concern can be reported in the application, either anonymously or identifiably

  • Branded wellbeing content

    Content released twice per month on wellbeing, inclusion, diversity, confidence, responsibility and culture

  • Multi-lingual, global, we are where you are

    We'll take care of your team, wherever you are, whoever they are.

For Free You Get

Safe Workplace will provide every employee a login to a branded Safe Workplace portal and mobile application.

They'll have access to:

  • 24/7 Anonymous Support Chat
    Live, realtime chat with our specialist triage team, who will triage concerns, signpost employees at resources and perform a risk assessment (employee wellbeing and corporate liability) on the case.

  • 24/7 Concern reporting
    Any wellbeing concern or misconduct concern can be reported in the application, either anonymously or identifiably

  • Branded wellbeing content

    Content released twice per month on wellbeing, inclusion, diversity, confidence, responsibility and culture

  • Multi-lingual, global, we are where you are

    We'll take care of your team, wherever you are, whoever they are.

If you just need to talk, or are concerned for someone we're here to help.

What would you like to talk about?


HR stefnur


If you just need to talk, or are concerned for someone we're here to help.

What would you like to talk about?


HR stefnur



Framkvæmdar skýrsla


Treystu á stuðningsverkfæri


myndi ekki vekja áhyggjur án Safe Workplace


aðgerðarhæfur upplýsingar


Sálfræðileg öryggi


Vistað uppsetning

Where traditional EAP's fall short

Safe Workplace Delivers


Röksemdin fyrir örugga vinnustað er óskeikull. Þú getur ekki keppt án bestu hæfileikanna, og bestu hæfileikarnir vilja bestu verkfæri. Það er einfalt.


Why Free, How Free?

EAP usage globally is only 6%. Most business find the value of your EAP tough to measure.

A significant number of our clients upgrade to our full Governance, Risk and Compliance Suite as well as use our EAP service. And, our EAP customers often want to support their employees in need with counselling or training.

We fervently believe:

  1. Every worker deserves a support outlet; we help some of the biggest companies in the world, as well as startups.

  2. EAP shouldn't be a black hole. We sell value, and only value resources, assessments, wellbeing tips at your fingertips

Röksemdin fyrir örugga vinnustað er óskeikull. Þú getur ekki keppt án bestu hæfileikanna, og bestu hæfileikarnir vilja bestu verkfæri. Það er einfalt.


Play it, Safe.

London | Cape Town

UK: +44 20 8629 1661
USA: +1 (415) 980 4718


USA Training

Play it, Safe.

London | Cape Town

UK: +44 20 8629 1661
USA: +1 (415) 980 4718


USA Training