Play it, Safe.

Play it, Safe.

Play it, Safe.

Early Reporting
Early Reporting
Responsibility to Report
Responsibility to Report
avg. 6 hours
avg. 6 hours
Case Resolution time
Case Resolution time
With Safe Workplace:
With Safe Workplace:

$122 Million
$100 Million
$75 Million
$35 Million
$253 Million
$122 Million
$100 Million
$75 Million
$35 Million
$253 Million
$122 Million
$100 Million
$75 Million
$35 Million
$253 Million
Misconduct costs
Misconduct costs
For every employee
For every employee
For every employee
Is statistically the money you’re losing averaged per employee to workplace malfeasance through measured productivity loss, absenteeism and staff turnover.
Is statistically the money you’re losing averaged per employee to workplace malfeasance through measured productivity loss, absenteeism and staff turnover.
and did we mention
and did we mention
and did we mention

Poor mental health costs
business Annually approx.
Poor mental
health costs
business Annually approx.
Poor mental health costs
business Annually approx.
Suffer from anxiety, depression and unmanageable stress each year.
Suffer from anxiety, depression and unmanageable stress each year.
1 in 6
1 in 6
Would not be comfortable disclosing a mental health issue at work.
(Nuffield Health)
Would not be comfortable disclosing a mental health issue at work.
(Nuffield Health)
Yesterday’s banter is today's toxic behaviour
Yesterday’s banter is today's toxic behaviour
Employee discrimination suits are up
Employee discrimination
suits are up
Employee discrimination suits are up
Misconduct up 30% in 4 years
Misconduct up 30% in 4 years
Misconduct up 30% in 4 years
Corporate liability and brand risk
Corporate liability and brand risk
Corporate liability and brand risk
Public & Investor tolerance is down
Public & Investor tolerance is down
Public & Investor tolerance is down
Proves that policies, training and reporting channels are failing to protect culture,
reduce liability, bottom line and brand reputation.
Proves that policies, training and reporting channels are failing to protect culture, reduce liability, bottom line and brand reputation.
Proves that policies, training and reporting channels are failing to protect culture, reduce liability, bottom line and brand reputation.
The 10 year trend
The 10 year trend
The 10 year trend

Talent Retention A Priority?
talent Is Proactively
You Have to be too.
Talent Retention A Priority?
talent Is Proactively
You Have to be too.
Talent Retention
A Priority?
talent Is Proactively
You Have to be too.
"63% of CEOs said availability of skills was a serious concern."
PWC, The Talent Challenge
"63% of CEOs said availability of skills was a serious concern."
PWC, The Talent Challenge
"63% of CEOs said availability
of skills was a serious concern."
PWC, The Talent Challenge
of Millennials and Gen Z will leave a company if they believe it has limited association with ethics. (Forbes)
of Millennials and Gen Z will leave a company if they believe it has limited association with ethics. (Forbes)
of the global workforce will be Millennials and Gen-Z by 2030.
of the global workforce will be Millennials and Gen-Z by 2030.
of the global workforce will be Millennials and
Gen-Z by 2030.
of victims leave. (
of victims leave. (
of victims leave. (
Of witnesses leave.
Of witnesses leave.
Of witnesses leave.
Is the increase in cost to retain disgruntled workers. (CAP)
Is the increase in cost to retain disgruntled workers. (CAP)
Is the increase in cost to retain disgruntled workers. (CAP)
Most companies are bleeding talent, reputation, productivity and money.
Most companies are bleeding talent, reputation, productivity and money.
Talent leaves or is expensive to keep
Talent leaves or is expensive to keep
Talent leaves or is expensive to keep
Is the cost of
misconduct across
the EU, UK and US alone.
Is the cost of misconduct across the EU, UK and US alone.
Is the cost of misconduct
across the EU, UK
and US alone.

The Financial Problem
The Financial Problem
The Financial Problem
Misconduct & Mental Health
has Real Revenue Impact
Misconduct &
Mental Health has Real Revenue Impact
Misconduct & Mental Health
has Real Revenue Impact

Cost of anxiety and depression. (WHO)
Cost of anxiety and depression.
Cost of anxiety and depression. (WHO)
Average award of sexual harassment at trial. (Sharkey, NYU)
Average award of sexual harassment at trial.
(Sharkey, NYU)
Average award of sexual harassment at trial. (Sharkey, NYU)
Average cost of misconduct per employee.
(Namie & Namie)
Average cost of misconduct per employee.
(Namie & Namie)
Average cost of misconduct per employee.
(Namie & Namie)